Confirm the order:please confirm the shipping address、the product details and the price,then place the order by“Order Confirmation”:

Choose a payment for the order:

Awaiting Confirm Freight

Awaiting Confirm Freight will count down in 7days, please contact the seller for freight confirmation.

Awaiting Payment

Awaiting payment will count down in 3days, you can pay by Escrow/T/T/PayPal.

Awaiting Audit Credentials

The order payment by T/T will need to pass audit credentials, it count down in 7days.
Notice:T/T record file should including amount,T/T Reference Number,transfer time,etc. in clear photo.

Awaiting Delivery

After Audit Credentials, please contact seller for delivery.

Awaiting Receipt

After receiving the goods and confirm the order competed,“Confirm Receipt”then finish the order.if payment on Escrow, you will need to confirm receiving on Escrow website;